Technology and Strategy CONSULTING


Simplify and add lightness 

Inspired by the late Colin Chapman this is the mission of Added Lightness. Simplify and add lightness is not just an engineering principle; but can be applied to the development of commercial and technology strategy too. Added Lightness helps organisations prepare commercial and technology strategies that are simple and and easy to implement.

You know your business better and care about it more than anyone. Added Lightness will work with you to structure this knowledge and passion into an elegant strategy and provide a set of easily actionable initiatives. Added Lightness combines expertise in engineering and business simultaneously - to get straight to the point of coordinated commercial strategy and technology development.


The Lotus plant - beauty and engineering combined

No one, besides Colin Chapman and his wife, knows why his sports car company was called Lotus. One obvious inspiration is the Lotus plant, which provides a useful metaphor for what happens as a result of effective strategy making: From murky waters something beautiful emerges.

The Lotus flower is self cleaning as a result of ultrahydrophobicity - known as the Lotus Leaf Effect. The result is that the Lotus plant is protected from pathogens and has an increased capacity for photosynthesis. The Lotus Leaf Effect underpins a number of technologies including PTFE and self-cleaning glass.